Dienstag, 15. April 2008

Welche Farbe war das noch mal? / What color was that again?

Immer wieder stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass ich nicht mehr weiss, welche Farbtöne ich innerhalb einer visuellen Klasse benutzt habe.

In Expression Web stellt dies bspw. kein Problem dar. Dort ist ein 'Color Picker' integriert. Im Fux ist dem leider nicht so.

Bisher kam deswegen immer das kleine Tool 'Pixie' von Nattyware zum Einsatz. Im UT stolperte ich vor ein paar Tagen dann über ein kleines Tool (MousetrackedColorPicker). Diesem Programm fehlten jedoch zwei Kleinigkeiten, um einen Mehrwert zu Pixie darzustellen. Deshalb habe ich den Code um die entsprechenden Features erweitert und umgestellt.

Punkt 1: Es genügt nicht, nur den Farbwert unter dem Mousecursor angezeigt zu bekommen. Wenn, dann sollte dieser Wert auch in die Zwischenablage kopiert werden können.

Punkt 2: Je nach Bedarf muss der Wert in der Zwischenablage den Integer-Farbwert, den RGB-Wert oder den Hex-Wert darstellen.

Gesteuert wird dies zum Einen über eine kleine Optiongroup direkt hinter den Anzeigewerten. Die Übernahme des selektierten Farbtyps in die Zwischenablage erfolgt über STRG+m.

Wer möchte legt sich den Aufruf des kleines PRGs auf eine F-Taste (Extras\Makros) und sofort steht der kleine ColorPicker jederzeit auf Abruf bereit.

oForm = CREATEOBJECT([frmcolorpicker])

DEFINE CLASS frmcolorpicker AS form

    Top                     = 0
    Left                    = 0
    Height                  = 150
    Width                   = 235
    ShowWindow              = 2
    DoCreate                = .T.
    BorderStyle             = 0
    Caption                 = [Color Picker]
    BackColor               = RGB(255,255,255)
    posx                    = 0
    posy                    = 0
    pixelcolor              = 0
    rgbcolor                = []
    hexcolor                = []
    errorstatus             = 0
    errortext               = []
    Name                    = [frmcolorpicker]

    ADD OBJECT lblxpos AS label WITH ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [XPos], ;
        Height              = 17, ;
        Left                = 7, ;
        Top                 = 4, ;
        Width               = 40, ;
        Name                = [lblxpos]

    ADD OBJECT lblypos AS label WITH ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [YPos], ;
        Height              = 17, ;
        Left                = 7, ;
        Top                 = 32, ;
        Width               = 40, ;
        Name                = [lblypos]

    ADD OBJECT lblcolor AS label WITH ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [Color], ;
        Height              = 17, ;
        Left                = 7, ;
        Top                 = 60, ;
        Width               = 40, ;
        Name                = [lblColor]

    ADD OBJECT lblrgbcolor AS label WITH ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [RGB], ;
        Height              = 17, ;
        Left                = 7, ;
        Top                 = 88, ;
        Width               = 40, ;
        Name                = [lblrgbcolor]

    ADD OBJECT lblhexcolor AS label WITH ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [Hex], ;
        Height              = 17, ;
        Left                = 7, ;
        Top                 = 116, ;
        Width               = 40, ;
        Name                = [lblhexcolor]

    ADD OBJECT txtxpos AS textbox WITH ;
        FontBold            = .T., ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        ControlSource       = [Thisform.PosX], ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Left                = 45, ;
        ReadOnly            = .T., ;
        Top                 = 2, ;
        Width               = 100, ;
        DisabledBackColor   = RGB(255,255,255), ;
        Name                = [txtXpos]

    ADD OBJECT txtypos AS textbox WITH ;
        FontBold            = .T., ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        ControlSource       = [Thisform.PosY], ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Left                = 45, ;
        ReadOnly            = .T., ;
        Top                 = 30, ;
        Width               = 100, ;
        DisabledBackColor   = RGB(255,255,255), ;
        Name                = [txtYpos]

    ADD OBJECT txtcolor AS textbox WITH ;
        FontBold            = .T., ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        ControlSource       = [Thisform.PixelColor], ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Left                = 45, ;
        ReadOnly            = .T., ;
        Top                 = 58, ;
        Width               = 100, ;
        DisabledBackColor   = RGB(255,255,255), ;
        Name                = [txtColor]

    ADD OBJECT txtrgbcolor AS textbox WITH ;
        FontBold            = .T., ;
        Alignment           = 1, ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        ControlSource       = [Thisform.RgbColor], ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Left                = 45, ;
        ReadOnly            = .T., ;
        Top                 = 86, ;
        Width               = 100, ;
        DisabledBackColor   = RGB(255,255,255), ;
        Name                = [txtRgbColor]

    ADD OBJECT txthexcolor AS textbox WITH ;
        FontBold            = .T., ;
        Alignment           = 1, ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        ControlSource       = [Thisform.HexColor], ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Left                = 45, ;
        ReadOnly            = .T., ;
        Top                 = 114, ;
        Width               = 100, ;
        DisabledBackColor   = RGB(255,255,255), ;
        Name                = [txtHexColor]

    ADD OBJECT timer1 AS timer WITH ;
        Top                 = 0, ;
        Left                = 0, ;
        Height              = 23, ;
        Width               = 23, ;
        Interval            = 100, ;
        Name                = [Timer1]

    ADD OBJECT colorshower AS container WITH ;
        Top                 = 5, ;
        Left                = 165, ;
        Width               = 65, ;
        Height              = 130, ;
        BorderWidth         = 0, ;
        Name                = [colorshower]

    ADD OBJECT lblinfo AS label WITH ;
        AutoSize            = .T., ;
        FontSize            = 7, ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        Caption             = [STRG+m kopiert markierten Wert in die Zwischenablage], ;
        Height              = 14, ;
        Left                = 0, ;
        Top                 = 138, ;
        Width               = 235, ;
        ForeColor           = RGB(128,128,128), ;
        Name                = [lblInfo]

    ADD OBJECT opgclipselect AS optiongroup WITH ;
        ButtonCount         = 3, ;
        BackStyle           = 0, ;
        BorderStyle         = 0, ;
        Value               = 2, ;
        Height              = 77, ;
        Left                = 149, ;
        Top                 = 56, ;
        Width               = 15, ;
        Name                = [opgClipselect], ;
        Option1.Caption     = [], ;
        Option1.Value       = 0, ;
        Option1.Height      = 17, ;
        Option1.Left        = 0, ;
        Option1.Top         = 5, ;
        Option1.Width       = 15, ;
        Option1.Name        = [Option1], ;
        Option2.Caption     = [], ;
        Option2.Value       = 1, ;
        Option2.Height      = 17, ;
        Option2.Left        = 0, ;
        Option2.Top         = 31, ;
        Option2.Width       = 15, ;
        Option2.Name        = [Option2], ;
        Option3.Caption     = [], ;
        Option3.Height      = 17, ;
        Option3.Left        = 0, ;
        Option3.Top         = 58, ;
        Option3.Width       = 15, ;
        Option3.Name        = [Option3]

    PROCEDURE color2rgb
        LPARAMETERS tnColor
        LOCAL lnRed as Integer, lnGreen as Integer, lnBlue as Integer

        lnRed    = BITRSHIFT(BITAND(tnColor, 0x0000FF),0)
        lnGreen  = BITRSHIFT(BITAND(tnColor, 0x00FF00),8)
        lnBlue   = BITRSHIFT(BITAND(tnColor, 0xFF0000),16)

        RETURN TRANSFORM(lnRed) + [,] + TRANSFORM(lnGreen) + [,] + TRANSFORM(lnBlue)

    PROCEDURE timerbasedrefresh
        LOCAL lpPoint as String, liPosX as Integer, liPosY as Integer
        lpPoint = SPACE(8)

        WITH Thisform

            IF GetCursorPos(@lpPoint) # 0

                liPosX                   = ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,1)) * 256 ^ 0 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,2)) * 256 ^ 1 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,3)) * 256 ^ 2 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,4)) * 256 ^ 3

                liPosY                   = ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,5)) * 256 ^ 0 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,6)) * 256 ^ 1 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,7)) * 256 ^ 2 + ;
                                         ASC(SUBSTR(lpPoint,8)) * 256 ^ 3
                .PosX                    = IIF(liPosX > 10000,INT(liPosX) - 4294967295,INT(liPosX))
                .PosY                    = INT(liPosY)
                .PixelColor              = GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), .posx, .posy)
                .RGBColor                = .Color2RGB(.PixelColor)
                .HexColor                = STUFF(TRANSFORM(.PixelColor,[@0]),3,2,[])
                .ColorShower.BackColor   = .PixelColor



    PROCEDURE Release
        LPARAMETERS vKey

        WITH Thisform

            IF VARTYPE(m.vKey) = [C] AND m.vKey = [m]

                * Selektierten Wert in die Zwischenablage kopieren
                DO CASE
                CASE .opgClipSelect.Value = 1    && Color
                    _cliptext = ALLTRIM(CAST(.txtColor.Value as c(10)))

                CASE .opgClipSelect.Value = 2    && RGB
                    _cliptext = .txtRgbColor.Value

                CASE .opgClipSelect.Value = 3    && Hex
                    _cliptext = .txtHexColor.Value




    PROCEDURE Unload


            DECLARE Sleep IN Win32API Integer
            DECLARE Short GetCursorPos IN win32api String @ lpPoint
            DECLARE Integer GetWindowDC IN Win32API Integer HWnd
            DECLARE Integer GetPixel IN win32API Integer hdc, Integer nXPos, Integer nYPos

            ON KEY LABEL CTRL+m _screen.ActiveForm.Release([m])



                ColorPicker kann auf Grund fehlender Win32 API
                Unterstützung auf diesem System nicht genutzt werden.





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